
Hall of Curiosity


The Hall of Curiosity is an online museum displaying artifacts from Altoids' Curiously Strong past. The side-scrolling site allows the strongly curious to browse artifacts and even place bids to own a piece of Altoids lore with all proceeds going to American’s for the Arts. The low budget project garnered much media attention and  rekindled the public’s love affair with the brand as shown by people’s willingness to pay top dollar for a dubious piece of Altoids history.

For the mint-enthusiast who has everything...

For the mint-enthusiast who has everything...

Need a soviet issued briefcase to transport your Altoids? All you had to do was place a bid.

Need a soviet issued briefcase to transport your Altoids? All you had to do was place a bid.

The site was side-scrolling to recreate a proper museum.

The site was side-scrolling to recreate a proper museum.